Astronomy 210
Spring 2020
Midterm 1, In-class activity 13, Online reading assignments 6-7, review haikus
(Posted 200315)
one version only
z = no circled answer; no credit given
y = more than one crossed-out answer; no partial credit given
1. c = 4.0 points
2. a = 4.0 points
3. b = 4.0 points
4. a = 4.0 points
5. c = 4.0 points
6. d = 4.0 points
7. b = 4.0 points
8. b = 4.0 points
9. c = 4.0 points
10. b = 4.0 points
(For the short-answer questions, refer to the grading comments below for
specific details as to what these letters mean.)
p = 20/20: Correct. Discussion includes the following:
(1) locates the Great Square and the Big Dipper asterisms on the
starwheel, and rotates starwheel such that the Great Square is just
above the west horizon, while the Big Dipper is near the northeast
horizon; and
(2) selects a time that is dark enough to see stars in the early evening
(somewhere between 7 PM and 10 PM or so); and
(3) looks up a specific date corresponding to that early evening time.
r = 16/20: Nearly correct (explanation weak, unclear or only nearly complete);
includes extraneous/tangential information; or has minor errors. May have
selected midnight, sunrise or some other time of night not convincingly "after
dark," "just after sunset" or an "early evening" time.
t = 12/20: Contains right ideas, but discussion is unclear/incomplete or
contains major errors. May have Great Square near east horizon, and Big Dipper
near the west horizon.
v = 8/20: Limited relevant discussion of supporting evidence of at least some
merit, but in an inconsistent or unclear manner. At least attempts to use
starwheel in a systematic manner.
x = 4/20: Implementation/application of ideas, but credit given for effort
rather than merit. Discussion not clearly based on using a starwheel in a
systematic manner.
y = 2/20: Irrelevant discussion/effectively blank.
z = 0/20: Blank.
p = 20/20: Correct. Complete diagram (with the sun, moon, and observer on
Earth), and discusses one of the following reasons why this description would
be implausible:
(1) waxing crescent moon is overhead at 3 PM, and rose six hours
earlier at 9 AM; while waning crescent moon is overhead at 9 AM, and
rose six hours earlier at 3 AM, such that neither of these crescent
phase moons could be rising just after sunset; or
(2) the moon phase that would be rising around/at/after sunset (6 PM)
would be the waxing gibbous moon, full moon or waning gibbous moon,
such that no crescent phase moon could be rising after sunset.
r = 16/20: Nearly correct (explanation weak, unclear or only nearly complete);
includes extraneous/tangential information; or has minor errors. Diagram and/or
explanation has minor errors.
t = 12/20: Contains right ideas, but discussion is unclear/incomplete or
contains major errors.
v = 8/20: Limited relevant discussion of supporting evidence of at least some
merit, but in an inconsistent or unclear manner. At least attempts to draw a
moon phase diagram and apply rise/overhead/set times.
x = 4/20: Implementation/application of ideas, but credit given for effort
rather than merit. Discussion not clearly based on a moon phase diagram.
y = 2/20: Irrelevant discussion/effectively blank.
z = 0/20: Blank.
p = 20/20: Correct. Complete diagram and reasoning where observer on Earth must
be at sunset to watch Venus (in an inner orbit) setting while Jupiter (in an
inner orbit) rises in the east.
r = 16/20: Nearly correct (explanation weak, unclear or only nearly complete);
includes extraneous/tangential information; or has minor errors. Typically
diagram and/or supporting argument is contradictory or incomplete.
t = 12/20: Contains right ideas, but discussion is unclear/incomplete or
contains major errors. Still has Venus in an inner orbit and Jupiter in an
outer orbit around the sun.
v = 8/20: Limited relevant discussion of supporting evidence of at least some
merit, but in an inconsistent or unclear manner. Typically misplaces Venus and
Jupiter in their relative inner/outer orbits around the sun, or has Venus and
Jupiter orbiting Earth.
x = 4/20: Implementation/application of ideas, but credit given for effort
rather than merit.
y = 2/20: Irrelevant discussion/effectively blank.
z = 0/20: Blank.
Midterm 1 results (max score = 100):
0- 20.0 :
20.5- 40.0 : * [low = 22.5]
40.5- 60.0 : ******
60.5- 80.0 : ******** [mean = 76.0 +/- 18.6]
80.5-100.0 : *************** [high = 100.0]
PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 MT1 A13 R6 R7 X1
0001 d a c a a d z b c b p p p 84 5 8 0 3
0020 c,a e,c b,e a,b a,b d,a b,d a,c d,c b,d r p p 81.5 5 8 8 3
0100 d b,c c,a b a,y b,d c,d a,d d,y c,a t x x 22.5 5 8 8
0121 c,d a,c b a,b c,a d,a b,a b,y c,y b,c p p p 100 5 0 8 3
0219 c,a b,c b,e c,b c,b d,a a,c b,d b,a c,d r v r 62.5 5 8 8 3
0406 c,a b,c d,a a,c c,a a,b a,c b,d c,a b,d p x v 58 5 8 0 3
0563 c,a a,b b,e a,c c,b d,b b,c b,d c,b b p p p 100 5 8 0 3
0823 c e c a b b d,c b,c a a p v v 48.5 5 0 0 3
1010 c e b a a a b d c b t t z 48 5 8 8 3
1111 c,b a,e c,e a,c c,b b,a a,d b,d c,a c,d r p p 82 5 8 8
1413 5 8 8. 3.
1593 c a b,e a,c c,a d,a b,c b,a c,b b,a p v v 76 5 8 8 3
1934 c,a e,c b,d a c,a a,c b,d b,c a,c b,a p p p 89 0 8 8 3
1999 c,a a b a,e c,b d,c b,d b c,d b p r t 88 5 8 8 3
2000 c,a a,b b,e a,e c,b d,b b,d b,c c,d b,d p p p 100 5 8 0 3
2013 c,a a,e b,a a,d c,b d,b b,c b,c c,b b,a p p p 100 5 8 8 3
2017 b,d e,b c,e c,a a d,a b,d b,a c,d a,d p v p 66 0 8 0 3
2020 d a a a c d b b c b v r t 68 5 8 8 3
2233 c a d a c d b b c b p p p 96 5 8 8 3
2256 0 0 8
2308 c,d a,c c,e a,c c c,a b,d b,a c c,a t v v 57.5 5 8 8 3
2310 c e c a b a c b c b p p p 80 5 8 8 3
2783 c,d a,d b,e b,a c,b b d,a b,d c,a b,d p p t 80.5 5 0 0 3
2828 c,d a c,b a a a b b c,a b p p p 88 5 8 8 3
3224 c,a a,b c,a a,e a,c d,a a,d b,a c,a d,a r x t 57.5 5 8 8 3
3652 c,a a,c b,a a,b a d,c b,d a,c c,a c,a r p v 73 0 8 0
3825 a,d a,d b,e a,c c,a a,c b,c b,d d,b b,a p p p 89.5 0 8 8 3
4216 c a b a c a b b c b p t t 80 5 8 8. 3
5171 c,a e,d b,a a,e a,c d,c b,d b,d c,b b,d p r p 88.5 5 8 8 3
5824 c,a a,b c,e c,d a b d,b a,c c,b b p t v 57.5 5 8 8 3
6363 c,a a,e b,e a,d c a,c a,d a,d c,b b,d p t v 69.5 5 8 8 3
6481 c,a a,b b,c b,c c,b d,b b,c b,a c,a b,a p p t 88.5 5 8 8
*Do not forget your Astr 210 PIN number!