Cuesta College :: Physics 205B :: Spring 2020
Calendar Policies Goals Grades

Section 3088x  MW  lecture12:30-1:50 PM   Room 2609 (SLO)
Section 30882Mlaboratory9:30-12:20 PM  Room 2101 (SLO)
Section 30883M  laboratory  2:00-4:50 PM  Room 2101 (SLO)
Course Policies
      This course is the second semester of a two-semester sequence, exploring the fundamentals of optics, electromagnetism, and modern physics.  Prerequisite is a grade of "C" or better in Physics 205A (or an equivalent course).  Student learning outcomes are organized into five general topics: 
  • Using a ray model of light, describe and quantify polarization, reflection, refraction, and images produced by lenses.
  • Using a wave model of light, describe and quantify interference produced by thin films, double-slits, diffraction gratings, and single slits.
  • Describe and quantify the static behavior of electric forces, fields, and potentials.
  • Describe and quantify the steady-state or time-dependent behavior of electric circuits, magnetic forces and magnetic fields.
  • Describe and quantify selected modern physics phenomena.
      Required materials:
  • Physics (11th Edition) by John D. Cutnell, Kenneth W. Johnson, David Young and Shane Stadler, complete ebook; or Chs. 18-32 ebook and printout.
  • Scientific calculator; graphing capabilities optional. (Use of a calculator application on smartphones or tablets during in-class exams is not permitted.)
Website       Announcements, updates, and detailed student learning outcomes are posted at (*.html). Contact Information Dr. Patrick M. Len office: Room 2308 (SLO campus), Room N2434 (NC campus) phone: (805) 546-3100, x2693 e-mail: p m L @ w a i f e r x . c o m Twitter announcements: #CuestaPhys205B
office hours:    TuTh (NC campus N2434) 1:00-2:30 PM
W (SLO campus 6600D, room 1) 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
F (SLO campus 6600D, room 1) 12:00-1:00 PM
(Appointments and drop-ins are welcome.)
Course Grading       There is no curve for this course, performance is strictly determined by a 700-point scale. There are no +/- grades. A worksheet (*.pdf) is available to keep track of scores.
          0-299 points  F
      300-399 points  D
      400-499 points  C
      500-599 points  B
      600-700 points  A
Labs [100 points maximum]       Physical Sciences Division policy is that three or more missed labs will automatically result in a failing grade for both lab and lecture components of this course. Quizzes [150 points maximum]       There are eight quizzes, and each quiz will take up 25 minutes of class. Late arrivals are only given the time remaining to complete a quiz. No make-up quizzes are allowed.       All quizzes are closed-book and closed-notes. Each quiz has ten multiple-choice questions (each worth 3 points). No scantron form is required, as answers are circled on the quiz itself.       Only the five highest quiz scores are included in your course point total, your lowest quiz scores are dropped. The last quiz of the semester is credit for taking educational research surveys. Exams [250 points maximum]       There are two midterms, and each midterm will take up 80 minutes of class. The Final Exam is comprehensive, and will take up 120 minutes of class. Late arrivals are only given the time remaining to complete an exam.       All exams are closed-book and closed-notes. Each midterm is a maximum of 75 points. The Final Exam is a maximum of 100 points. No exams can be dropped/skipped.       No make-up exams are allowed. For documented extenuating circumstances, a "replacement" exam grade may be calculated relative to the class mean on a missing exam. A replacement grade for a missing exam cannot be given for an unexcused or inexcusable absence. Reading Assignments [100 points maximum]       Reading assignments are completed online. Each reading assignment is worth a maximum of 4 points. Homework Reports [50 points maximum]       Homework problems are assigned but not graded; however progress reports are submitted online. Each homework report is worth 2 points. Problem-Solving [50 points maximum]       Students collaboratively work on assigned problems in class. At the end of each class selected written work will be collected for credit, worth 2 points. Extra-Credit Points [20 points maximum]       Extra-credit points are earned by retaking quizzes in self-formed groups of 2-4 students immediately following each quiz, and/or by completing online learning surveys. Academic Responsibilities       Be informed of and to abide by the Student Code of Conduct, and to enroll and/or drop a class by the appropriate deadlines. Contact Disabled Student Program & Services in a timely manner (San Luis Obispo campus: 546-3148; North County campus: 591-6215) regarding arrangements for disability accommodations.